Good as Gold Gift Bag - Charlesworth Nuts
Our Charlesworth Nuts Gift Bags are a perennial favorite, perfect for that friend or family member when you're uncertain what to get them for Christmas.
The Good as Gold collection from Charlesworth Nuts includes:
- apricot fruit pieces
- dark chocolate almonds
- dry roasted deluxe - pecans, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds and peanuts (no added salt or oil).
- heart & soul mix - cashews, almonds, cranberries, pumpkin seeds, dried blueberries, dried goji berries, macadamias.
- dry roasted CPS almonds
- right start mix - almonds, cashews, diced dried fruits (peaches, apples, apricots, pears, nectarines), sultanas, pumpkin seeds
- roasted peanuts
Net Weight: 940g
See also our Christmas Spectacular Gift Bag from Charlesworth Nuts.
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